Silk Road Mountain Race 2021


Silk Road Mountain Race 2021

So, I did a thing.

A year or two after getting goosebumps while watching Wild Horses, The Silk Road Mountain Race documentary, my mate Abel just asked me how serious I was about this race. I answered: “Well, if you’re asking” (read: Let’s dó this!) and the ball started rolling.

Some long distance training, gear preparation, and new bike and a year of Covid delay later, Abel and I finally started in Talas, Kyrgistan.

Having zero altitude training, no bike-packing race experience, I was quite anxious if I could live up to the challenge. 1850 kilometers and 32.000 altitude meters over rough terrain with next-to-zero support made me take deep breath every time I thought about it.

This article is unfinished, but is support material for an article in “de wereldfietser”, a dutch magazine about travelling by bicycle

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